Benefits of Torso Targeted Exercises

One of the most common workouts done by everyone are torso targeted exercises. Firming up your torso stabilizes your spine which improves your bending forward or backward movement.

Aside from that, a well-formed torso is aesthetically pleasing to look at compared to a flabby one. And that is why, more men and women are wholly devoted on doing torso-targeted exercises.

There are different torso or abs exercise for men and women. Eric Broser shares his routine on how to get V-tape physique:


Most of us who slave away in the gym 4-6 days per week desire to create the most impressive physique we possibly can. This means building adequate muscle size, near perfect symmetry, and a maxed out “V-taper.” What a cool feeling it is to take off your shirt at the beach or pool and display thick, cannonball delts; lats that look like wings; and a tight waistline with no fat in sight! While diet and cardio must be on point to manifest those six-pack abs and wasp-like waist, one must make sure to utilize the proper resistance exercises to make the V-taper a reality.

Here are seven excellent movements for getting wide on the sides! Read more…

For women who wants to firm up their abs and say goodbye to their muffin tops, Amy Marturana shares this simple yet effective core exercises to help you out:

8 Exercises to Target Your Lower Abs

“Traditional core exercises, like crunches or bicycle, are great for sculpting your upper abdominals and obliques. But they barely touch those pesky lower abs, making toning this trouble spot quite a challenge for most of us.

If you want to really flatten and sculpt your belly, you have to make sure you’re hitting every last inch of those hidden muscles. We asked fitness expert and certified personal trainer Kira Stokes (who has a six-pack most can only dream of) to show us some of her favorite moves for chiseling the lower abs.

The key? Put your legs and your brain into it. “Anytime you move your legs, you’re working your lower abdomen,” Stokes says, since they’re connected to the hip flexors. Unfortunately, most of us feel these exercises mainly in the hip flexor, which can take away from working the abs, not to mention be pretty uncomfortable. “The low abdomen takes so much mental focus,” she says. Putting your brain into the muscle group is key, by constantly focusing on your lower abs and making sure you feel them engaged in every move.

Before you go any further, you’ll want to make sure you’ve got a classic plank position down pat, since many of these moves are based off it. To plank perfectly, Stokes instructs: prop yourself up on your feet and forearms, shoulders rolling down your back, squeezing the butt cheeks, drawing the navel in strongly. Be careful not to arch your back—your whole torso should stay in a straight line. Got it? Time to whip your tummy into bikini-body shape.” Read more…

There are more to torso targeted exercises than flattening your belly and transforming it into a sculpted midsection. An article from Fitday discuss the many benefits of doing regular abs exercise:

How Core Fitness Exercise Benefits the Entire Body

Core fitness exercise has become synonymous with abdominal conditioning. In terms of core stability, the abdominal muscles do little. Without proper strength and conditioning of all core muscles, injury, aches and pains can occur more frequently. The core of the body is responsible for supporting the back, spine and shoulders. Core fitness exercises should aim to strengthen all muscles related to these areas. Read more…

Doing torso-targeted exercises has a long term effect. As it enhances your posture and movement, in turn, it will improve your balance resulting to less injury when you come of old age. So what are you waiting for, start doing your core exercises today! 

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